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Collaboration in Action:

Measuring and Improving Contracting Performance in the University of California Contracting Network




This article summarizes the findings of an 18-month examination of performance metrics across the 5 UC health campuses, including methods for data collection and harmonization, plus operational definitions for measured variables agreed upon by the UC contracting offices. Some of the most striking, and previously unmeasured, results demonstrate that master agreements are a highly effective and successful strategy to significantly shorten the average time to completion of contract terms. Systematic and transparent data collection among UC stakeholders is necessary to continue improvements to the system.This study demonstrates that collaboration and sharing of contract terms is an effective way to reduce study activation time, but the greatest improvements will be driven by the sharing of data and technology tools.


The paper is to be published in the Volume 22, Number 1 - 2017 issue of NCURA's Research Management Review.


Here is a direct link to the article.




Tam Tran, MPH, UCI

LeeAnna Bowman-Carpio, UCLA

Nate Buscher, UC BRAID

Jennifer J. Ford, MBA, UCSD 

Erick Jenkins, JD, MS, UCD

Hillary Kalay, JD, MPP, UCOP

Terry Nakazono, MA, UCLA

Helene Orescan, JD, UCLA

Rachael Sak, RN, MPH, UC BRAID

Irene Shin, JD, UCSF


Pamela Davidson, PhD, UCLA

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